preparing for Your Angel

Tips for Bringing Home Your New Rescue Animal
Serving Tennessee and New England, Angels Among Us Animal Rescue provides helpful suggestions you can use for your newly adopted dog or cat. We want to assist you in making their transition as smooth as possible. You may also visit our Resources page to read more articles that will help you on your journey.
advice 1
Before you pick up your new pet, buy a collar with a tag that has your address and phone number. Always keep it on your dog or cat, whether indoors or outdoors, to ensure they are returned to you should they slip away. This step is especially important during the first few weeks. Consider buying the FIDO Pet Tag Machine from Petco.
advice 2
In your first days together, spend quiet quality time with your dog or cat to form a bond of trust. Resist showing them off to other people for a few days.
advice 3
Have your pet examined at the vet within the first five days of their adoption. This way, you can be assured of what we disclosed about their health status. We provide vetting records. However, please double-check with the foster parent when was the last time your pet received heartworm preventives and flea and tick control.
Advice 4
Your new rescue animal is prone to be a flight risk, so don’t unleash them in an unsecured environment. It will take time for your pet to adjust to its new home and learn skills, so take precautions. Monitor all doors on your car and in your house, and make sure your gates are latched properly. If you already have a dog, you may need tips on introducing them to your new one to avoid scaring them.
Advice 5
Give your animal companion squeaky balls, pet-approved stuffed toys, and bully sticks for them to play with and chew. Raw hides are not recommended since they are not digestible. For safety, never leave your pet unsupervised with anything they could choke on.
Advice 6
Remember to activate your animal companion’s microchip. Once you enter the ID number into the database, the tag will carry all your information. This safety measure will ensure your pet returns to you safely should anything happen. The registration and activation cost is $21.95.
Our Recommended Products
This new flea and tick collar by Bayer lasts eight months and requires no liquid treatments. Please consult your vet before using this item on your fur baby.
This product is laser-etched, aluminum, lightweight, waterproof, and nearly indestructible. FurCode allows anyone with internet access to check your pet’s tag and find out where they belong.
Nature’s Miracle
Dogs and cats make messes. Luckily, Nature’s Miracle offers solutions such as stain and odor removers. Pick up a bottle to be prepared for any incident.
Alternatives to a Fenced Yard
These products can be bought on or at most Petco stores.
The Dog Food Insider
This website provides helpful information about caring for dogs. You may also download the "The Dog Adoption Bible" through their page
Bitter Apple
Perfect for persistent chewers, Bitter Apple is an all-natural product that can be purchased at Petco.
Reach Out to Our Group
Contact us today for any questions about your new pet’s pick-up day. If you are interested in a FREE Angels Among Us Animal Rescue car decal, let us know! We hope you stay in touch and send a picture of you and your dog or cat. Our team would love to know how they are fitting in.